Saturday, January 23, 2010

America Rising

Very powerful video. The Left is trying to have it removed from the web. They have apparently succeeded in getting it off You Tube. Please watch soon, and pass along to anyone you think would be interested. America will face a political Tsunami in November.

1 comment:

Tom Pedersen said...

This is propaganda shit! You guys in US dont know what sosialism is. If Obama was a president in some european contry, the politic would have been considered as ultra conservative. Non contry in western europe has so weak public healthcare as in US. I would rather be critical sick in Albania than brake a finger on vacation in US, without a healthcare insurance..

The only reson I`m on this blog is becouse we have exactly the same name! But I come from one of the richest contries in the world; Norway who can afford a free healthcare to everybody.. Gee.. WTF I thought USA also was rich.. Sorry bout my poor english grammar and spelling mistakes..